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Need help? Please call or text 988. You matter!
How we'll do it
Equine-Assisted Therapy and Programs, Alternative Therapies, Supportive Relationships, and Collaborative Community Partnerships
What we're committed to
Providing safety, being Trauma-Informed and individualized, being transparent, courageous, and graced-based, and being life-long learners
Who we'll serve
Those who've experienced complex trauma and their families including Sexual abuse, assault, and violence; developmental/ childhood trauma; commercial sexual exploitation, and human trafficking
What we are
- A nonprofit start-up organization.
- Providers of Equine Services for those who've experienced severe abuse and neglect (complex and developmental trauma).
- Provider of reduced-fee and no-cost services to those who qualify (long-term vision).
What we are NOT
- A horseback riding school.
- A horse rescue.
- Providers of equine-assisted physical, speech, or occupational therapy.
- A crisis center.
¡Conéctese !
If you'd like to volunteer, please complete our volunteer application HERE !
**Volunteer requests will NOT be accepted through the Contact Form below.**
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