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Launching October, 2020!


Phase 1 - EAP Pilot Program

About the Pilot Program

Our Pilot Program came out of a desire to be able to serve survivors as soon as possible. Because we have such a great and BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal!) of a vision for our ranch and programs it will take us some time and significant funding to pull it all together.


Instead of asking survivors to wait on us, we decided to launch a Pilot Program that would accomplish three main goals:

  1. Give survivors access to TF-EAP services at no cost to them as soon as possible.

  2. Gather anonymous data of the efficacy of EAP to share with future funding sources and donors.

  3. Test best practices for the program so we can make 
    adjustments necessary before continuing to offer EAP services in Phase 2.


How Will TF-EAP Help Survivors?

Horses provide a safe, yet honest environment that allows us to be vulnerable and real. They live in the present so they don’t prejudge people like humans do. Horses are immediate biofeedback machines and will pick up on incongruency in a client that a human therapist cannot. Because horses are prey animals, their brains are naturally very similar to that of a traumatized human brain; they live in survival mode.  


Horses provide opportunities to practice assertive communication, set boundaries, make requests, learn emotional regulation skills, and build trust and confidence in a mutual partnership.  All of the skills used to build relationship with the horse are transferable outside the round pen to human relationships.


As an experiential therapy, results are quicker than many traditional therapies, long lasting and comprehensive. Learn More

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