Dearest Friends,
I'm not sure what to write, but this has been on my mind for a while so I'm just gonna go for it!
Most of you know my dreams of working with sexual assault and trafficking survivors utilizing equine therapy. Many of you also know this has been a very difficult 1+ year of waiting, growing and asking God to show me how/when/where I will ever do this work again. Although I have no answers for those questions, the one thing I know is absolutely true is that I'm called to do this work someday.
I was listening to Christine Cain the other day and she spoke about mountains that we haven't moved beyond yet in our lives. It got me thinking about my dream of being a part of a Christ-Centered Ranch and what small steps I could be taking to tackle this seemingly impossible mountain while God is working out the BIG stuff behind the scenes. To be honest, I've drawn a blank for quite some time about next steps. After all, I don't really want to RUN a ranch or business nor do I think that's what God's asking me to do. However, I do think I'm a part of a bigger vision of which part of my contribution is in getting the vision off the ground.
I've included you on this message because you have in some way changed me for the better. You've loved me, walked with me, encouraged me, listened to me (oh-so-many-hours!) and are a part of a life I never imagined I could have. Some of you have been to hell and back with me. Others of you are showing me how to move forward in my new-found freedom; others continue to help refine me as I continue the journey of my own healing. You're mentors, buddies, lovers of Jesus and new and old friends. Whoever you are, I'm grateful for you and feel like I can take the risk of being vulnerable and honest with you.Â
There are 3 things that keep coming to my mind:
1 - Share the vision
2 - Develop an army of prayer warriors
3 - You don't have to walk alone
So I'm asking you, no, INVITING you, to be a part of the founding mothers and fathers of Pastures of Prayers; building a foundation for a ranch of hope, love and freedom for survivors! I don't know what this will look like from week to week or month to month. But will you help me feel less alone on this journey by responding to prayer requests? And I'd love it to be interactive; comments, suggestions, words of encouragement, "Vanessa, turn around and go the other way" wisdom, feedback, and the start to a mini community? You can post your requests here, too! Maybe one day y'all will meet one another. Maybe I'll never write a post again! But my hope is to take a tiny step in obedience in doing what I'm able to do to continue moving forward, whatever that may look like, and I'd be honored if you'd do so with me.
That's all I got! Please know there is no obligation to be a part of... whatever this is! You can easily unsubscribe to these emails - no strings attached.Â
I'm trying to put on paper just the vision God is trying to share with me. As I am clearer I'll post what I learn. Obviously we'll need horses!!! So you're welcome to start praying for those special equines that will one day spend their days on the ranch. And of course the survivors - please be praying for whomever they may be that God leads to this ranch one day.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!! More soon...